Escorted tours 2022

24 DAY 1: ARRIVAL BELGRADE B Welcome to Serbian capital Belgrade! Meet with your tour director, to learn all about your trip de- tails. Check in hotel and free time. DAY 2: BELGRADE B Discover the Serbian capital with a sightseeing tour in the morning. The tour will guide us to the through elite city district Dedinje unusual building TV Pink. You will take the road through the famous markets such as the Republic Square with the Par- liament, Terazije and Slavia, along the main streets of Belgrade, Knez Mihailova and finish on the Kale- megdan fortress in Belgrade, from where we can admire wonderful views of the city and the con- fluence of the Danube and Sava rivers. Free time in Belgrade in the afternoon to enjoy numerous shops and bars or get ready for the vivid nightlife. DAY 3: SREMSKI KARLOVCI – NOVI SAD B, T Drive to Vojvodina region, passing natural reserve of Fruska Gora, also know as holy mountain, since it used to have 35 otrodox monasteries in the me- dieval time. Almost half, 17 to be exact are still here today. You will stop in a little Baroque town, Sremski Karlovski, take a guided stroll downtown and learn about the special local wine Bermet wine that can’t be found anywhere else in Serbia (nor the world). In the afternoon, arrival to Ser- bian second largest city Novi Sad, famous for its Petrovardin fortress on Danube river. Check in the hotel and go for a guided walk around famous landmarks such as the Church of Mary’s Name, the architectural beauties of Liberty Square, Zmaj Jovina Street, Orthodox Cathedral, the Bishop’s Palace. Rest of the day will be free at leisure. DAY 4: ILOK – VUKOVAR – OSIJEK B,L Bye Serbia and hello Croatia! Welcome to Ilok, sec- ond Croatian wine capital, where you will hear sto- ry about connection of Traminac wine and Queen Elisabeth II. You will also visit a famous Ilok cellar with one of biggest collection of archive wines in this part of Europe. Lunch on Principovac with stunning views over the wineyards region. Contin- ue to Slavonija, to visit the heroic city of Vukovar. As the city suffered tremendous damage during the War for independence, today it stands as a living monument and a symbol of resistance, in- vincibility, and persistence. In the late afternoon, arrival to Baroque town of Osijek, check in the ho- tel Transfer to Tvrdja – historical part of Osijek’s military history where you will learn more about town’s history and enjoy some time on your own. Varaždin Zagreb Budapest Belgrade Novi Sad Osijek Lendava Panonia, amazing area of green lowlands along Danube river, was a very interesting region already in Roman times. Thanks to the great soil, the area offers a great variety of food and wines. Let us surprise your taste buds with unsual tastes such as pumpkin oil, special Wine Bernet and others on this amazing tour thourgh Panonian highlights panonian highlights 11 DAYS/10 NIGHTS